Life is everything. Everything has life. The very concept of life and living is astronomical. The mere chances that a planet could exist with the basic resources for life is unfathomable. The time it took for simple cells to arise is far beyond our grasp of time. We go through each day not realizing the gift that each hold in our hands.

Absolutely no one deserves to die, no matter what trespass or crime they have committed.  Everybody and everything deserves to live a full and happy life. That being said, those who have committed seriously heinous crimes have no right to a full and happy life, but instead one full of atonement for what they have done.

At the very least, the next life-forms live about 5 light years away. Since we haven't been able to travel at the speed of light and probably won't be able to for another few centuries, this is all we've got. 

We were all given the gift of life. Some use it to take away others'. Then there are some who use it for the betterment of mankind. Only those who help others will survive in this unstable world.

With tensions rising in such places as Iran and North Korea, I fear we may not have many years left of this peace we've had, in the US at least, since the end of WWII.

The Earth is the only known source of life in the entire expanse of our universe. We hold in our hands, the ability to wipe out all life on our planet. Which, in turn, might wipe out all life in our universe. No man has that right.

"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life,"- Charles Darwin