The Man Behind the Mystery- Frederick Ayres

Me Killin' Someone With a Car

My name is Frederick Glenn-Roger Ayres III.

I am the creator of the handsome website you see before you.

I'd thought I would dedicate one page on this website to myself. In fact, I ended up dedicating multiple pages to myself.

Surely you're wondering what kind of young man could create such a website that divulges into such intimate details!

Well, that young man is me. I suffer from many mental illnesses that leave me crazy, insane, and neurotic. Surely you've seen me exhibit my weirdness in some shape or form. My mental instability is the inspiration on my quest of peace and love. If only it was that simple to explain away!

I am an only child and I will never know my father. He is neither dead nor in hiding. He was a mysterious sperm donor from the Californian state. My father was an English professor there. To many, a lack of siblings and a padre would hinder them for a lifetime; that is not so for me. I laugh at the sound of difficultly. I take pride in myself, knowing that I can overcome any tough task!

In my house, anything less than an 'A' is unacceptable. Either I do extremely well in all of my classes, or I essentially cease to exist. It sounds harsh, but school is easy for me. In addition to my dad being an English professor, my mother holds a Master's degree in Biology. I whiz through school as if it's child's play. To me, it is child's play.

For years I have suffered from various addictions that I have only recently overcome. I only overcame them by finding my inner peace. In doing that, I found everlasting happiness as well. My inner peace has lied inside me all of my life; I just didn't know it.

I do not fear death, as it has no pertinence to my life. It is a mere chapter I haven't read yet. I shall prolong that reading for as long as I humanly can. I do everything I can in my situation to stay healthy. I stay away from drugs, alcohol, meat, dairy, haters, hookers, stress, violence, trouble, and prejudice. I plan to live until I am at least 115. With medicine advancing the way it is, I believe that that is entirely possibly. It's astounding that I still might live for another 100 years! However, if I lose everything I have to live for, my best friends and my beloved family, I will have nothing left to live for.

As I am just as mystified as anyone as to what happens when we die. I have my theories, but most people would wince at my words. 

I have loads of self-esteem. Rarely am I depressed because of the way I perceive myself. On the infamous attractiveness scale of 1-10, I rank myself a mere 7.8, simply because I realize what I've been presented with. However, I am also very full of myself and believe myself to be one of the greatest men to have ever lived. At least I admit it!

The Early Life of the Man of Mystery

Me Before 'the Accident'
I was born on December 5, 1994 at exactly 11:14 AM at the William H. Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI. My mother and Godmother were first on the scene. I was a very average baby. There was nothing very peculiar about me. That all would change soon after I turned three.

It was January 1998. Early one morning, I rushed down the stairs of my house. I then tripped on an oddly-placed toy. I fell down the stairs, receiving bruises on my face and a huge blow to the back of my head. Upon further examination at a hospital, it was determined I had damaged a few synaptic connections in my brain. Instead of leaving my paralyzed, I was faced with varied personality disorders. I was diagnosed with a mild form of Obsessive-compulsive disorder, more commonly known as OCD.

My life was never the same after the accident. There were certain activities I no longer enjoyed. There were certain toys I no longer found interest in. There was nothing I could do about it. I just had to deal with it. Later in my life, I simply couldn't 'deal with it' anymore.

The Current Form of the Mysterious Man

Sweet Sixteenth... Okay, More Bittersweet
I am pretty much the normal teenage.

I attempt to live my life to the utmost dignity. I credit my conscience for that. It keeps me in check; shows me right from wrong. 

I am a bit of a 'goody-too-shoes', as it is called. And even that's a bit of an understatement. I always wish to follow the laws and rules of wherever I am, usually just because it is the right thing to do. However silly and ludicrous the rules may be, I follow them.

I have the highest respect and love for everyone in the world. Even the terrorists. Even the gay porn-stars. Even the murderers and the hit-men. I have been wronged many times in my life. 'Screwed over' is the more common term. But I always forgive the person who wrongs me and go on my way. I do so for two reasons. 1- What they did to me was purely accidental and was not at all on purpose. When you do something wrong to someone, above all else, you want to be forgiven by them. I forgive them so they can live with themselves. 2- What they did to me was on purpose. They purposely would do something to wrong me. I forgive them so they don't have the satisfaction of watching my anguish. Also because they might feel bad about it later, and I want them to know that I do, indeed, forgive them.

I have found amazing ways to deal with the rigors of life. Rarely do I ever feel regret or despair. I simply find a happy feeling and feed on it. Doing what I do, living without stress, isn't very hard at all. In life, we simply don't have time to mope around. We have to get out there and do something worth while. So stop your moping and bitching and do something to change. Change yourself; your situation; your world! If you need help, I'm here whenever you need me.

"I am myself, and, for now, that will do,"- Frederick Ayres