While our skin color is different; while we speak different languages; while we come from different backgrounds, we are all of the same species. We all live and die. Almost all of the world is somehow involved in war or is dying of preventable hunger or disease. We, the citizens of the wealthy nations of the world, do next to nothing to help. We sit here with a roof over us, we get a glass of clean water, go to sleep in a comfortable bed, and don't have to worry about where our next meal is coming from. 

At this very minute, hundreds are dying from hunger, war, or something else Man has caused that can be prevented. Did you know that if all the money that all the countries in the world spent on their militaries was instead spent on feeding the hungry and aiding the sick, we would save hundreds of millions of people from death each year? If we simply began a peaceful revolution and demanded war and violence be stopped, there is a chance it would be. 

The only thing holding us, the human race, back from uniting with all of our fellow brothers and sisters is politics, wars, violence, and prejudice that has been brainwashed into us. If we simply were to start anew, wonders would be worked!

I am not a religious man and don't really believe in the ideology of sin. But I can agree on one act that is very sinful and is almost unforgivable: denying your fellow man as your equal. Whether you discriminate because of skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or because of the way they look or talk, it is a sin! In this world, we are all created equal. We all have the same opportunities to go out and do good! There is no one below your status and no one higher. What would qualify you to pick and choose who is better and who is not?

Even more so, most of us have lucked out. We were born into a wealthy nation. We didn't receive the short end of the stick. Because of our luck, we have a duty to help others that are less fortunate than us. If we don't help them and by all means, we could, then we are doing just as bad as those who fail to see others as their equals. 

So if you are one who decides to stand up and fight for peace and your fellow man, DO NOT STAY SILENT! Be a rebel for peace and equality! Do whatever it is you humanly can to make a difference. Don't discriminate or talk down to anybody; practice random acts of kindness towards everyone; volunteer for a charity; do some humanitarian work; just do something!

"If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when? If not us, who?" - Hillel the Elder